Hungarian Peppers In Oil (Mađarski Paprike U Ulju)
My father said he used to watch his mother make these when he was a small boy and since then, his sisters and brother also made them. I like making these as well.
Before you start, make sure you are wearing rubber or latex surgical gloves when handling the peppers. I keep a box of surgical latex gloves in my kitchen at all times.
1 basket Hungarian peppers (Mixed hot & mild and different colors)
2 large onions peeled, halved, and sliced thin
2 cloves garlic sliced thin
1/2 cup Olive or vegetable oil to start
Salt and pepper to taste
Wearing gloves, cut the top off the peppers and discard. Slice the peppers lengthwise and take out all the seeds and membranes and discard. It is OK if some seeds still remain, they will add some "hotness" to the mix. Slice each pepper into strips. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, heat the oil, onions, and garlic. Fry the onions and garlic until soft and onions are translucent. Carefully, add the peppers little by little. As the peppers cook and shrink, add more peppers until all are in the skillet stirring with a wooden spoon as you do. If you need to add more oil, then do so, a little at a time until the peppers are covered. They absorb the oil fast while cooking. Keep tossing the mixture until all peppers are cooked; add the salt and pepper at this step tasting for amount. Remove skillet from the burner and set aside and cool the peppers thoroughly. Place the cooled peppers in those plastic storage containers with lids (Glad & Hefty make them or you can get them at your local supermarket or dollar store). Place in refrigerator to chill. They will thicken a little from being in the cold refrigerator but that is fine. These peppers are great mixed with scrambled eggs, served with grilled meat, on a slice of bread for a sandwich (sendvić), or on pasta. We like to drizzle a little of the pepper oil on spaghetti. Try them in a salad or on pizza as well. Delicious! If you prefer a milder version, use regular sweet Bell peppers and just a few Hungarian hot peppers.
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